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Specialty Food Co-Packers Directory
Local Oven, Farmers Branch (Dallas), TX, 972-250-1818, www.localoven.com.                         We are located in Farmers Branch (DALLAS), Texas. We are a DEDICATED and CERTIFIED Gluten Free manufacturing plant. Our facility is 30,000 Square Feet with the capacity to manufacture for Private Label or Co Packing. We manufacture Gluten Free and Paleo products. We are centrally located - with easy shipping lanes coast to coast. We have the following certifications: Certified Gluten Free, Certified SQF 2, Certified FDA, Certified Kosher / Pareve​

American Euro Foods, Brookfield, CT, 203-740-7387, www.ameurofoods.com 
OILS, Olive Oils, Infused Oils, Flavored Vinegars, Balsamic, Organic, Kosher

American Natural and Organic Spices Inc., Union City, CA, 510-477-4787www.spicely.com
Spices, Herbs, Organic, Kosher

Andros Foods, Mt. Jackson, VA, 844-426-3767https://androsna.com
Organic, Kosher, Fruit Processing, Preserves, Jelly, Frozen Desserts, Apple Sayce, Apple Butter, Baby Foods.

Bake Works Inc., Vancouver, WA, 360-213-2001, www.bakeworksinc.com
Contract Manufacturing, Food Manufacturing, Wholesale Natural Snacks, Cookies, Energy Bars, Private Label Food Manufacturer, Energy Bar Manufacturer, Private Label, Bakery, Cookies, Gluten Free, Brownies, Organic, Kosher, SQF Level 2 Certified

Beaverton Foods Inc., Hillsboro, OR, 800-223-8076, www.beavertonfoods.com
Mustard, Horseradish, Wasabi, Salsa, Kosher, Organic

Bella Cucina, Atlanta, GA, 678-539-8400, www.bellacucina.com
Organic Honey, Syrups, Jams, Crackers, Pasta, Olive Oils, Appetizers, Gifts

Bella Viva Orchards, Hughson, CA, 855-888-8482, www.bellaviva.com
Dried Fruit, Nuts, Gifts, Chocolates, Organic

Beneficial Blends, Tampa, FL, 800-230-5952, www.beneficialblends.com
Organic, Kosher, Oils, Pasta Sauces, Dressings, Jams, Pasta Sauce, Dressings, salsa

Blount Fine Foods, Fall River, MA, 774-888-1300, www.blountfinefoods.com
Soups, Soup Starters, Sauces, Side Dishes, Organic, Frozen Entrees

Bridgewell Agribusiness LLC, Clackamas, OR ,503-765-7408, www.bridgewellab.com
Dry Mixes, Brownies, Hot Chocolate, Teas, Dessert Mixes, Cereals, Flours, Grains, Kosher, NoGMOs, Organic, 
Powder Filling, Blended Spices, Rubs, Spices, Soup Mixes
Custom blending and packing of dry materials in retail and industrial pack sizes. We are flexible in meeting your needs, and can source ingredients or toll process. We have a robust QA team, and can also assist with product development and R&D. We can also provide logistical services including warehousing and fulfillment.

Catania Spagna Corp., Ayer, MA, 800-343-5522, www.cataniausa.com
Oils, Organic

Clement Pappas & Co., Carney's Point, NJ, 800-257-7019, www.clementpappas.com
Waters, Juices, Juice Blends, Lemonades, Teas, Organic

Coastal Packaging, Newnan, GA, 678-854-2117, www.freshbru.com
Coffee, Tea, Organic, Fruit Juices, Syrups, Energy Drinks, Vegan, Gluten Free,  

Copacking.net, Las Vegas, NV, 909-336-6473, www.co-packing.net
Organic, Gluten Free, Energy Bars, Toaster Pastries, Cookies

Create-a Pack Foods Inc., Ixonia, WI, 262-567-6069, www.create-a-pack.com
Organic, Kosher, Gluten Free, Seasonings, Drink Mixes, Dressings

Custom Co-Pak, Philadelphia, PA, 215-743-2617, www.customcopak.com
Teas, Herbs, Seasonings, Organic, Kosher

Custom Ingredients, New Braunfels, TX,800-457-8935, www.customingredients.com
Sauces, Dips, Flour & Corn Tortillas, Seasonings, Organic

Cut Fresh, Milwaukee, WI, 866-563-4728, www.cutfresh.net
Pre-cut Fresh Fruits & Vegetables, Organic

Drink Prospectors, Kentwood, MI, 616-634-8260, www.drinkprospectors.com
Kombucha Cold Brew Coffee, Tea, Prospectors Specialty Beverage
Organic, Vegan and GMP certifications. We focus on creating beverages that are clean label, high quality and using only the finest ingredients and authentic processes.

Faribault Foods, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, 612-333-6461, www.faribaultfoods.com
Soups, Pasta, Vegetables, Juice, Organic, Sports Drinks

Freshbru, Newnan, GA, 678-854-2117, www.freshbru.com
Coffee, Tea, Fruit Juices, Syrups, Energy Drings, Organic, Kosher

(The) Fresh Factory, Carol Stream, IL, 708-207-4677,www.thefreshfactory.co 
Teas, Juices, Dips, Mayos, Spreads, Baby Food, Marinades, Sauces, Salad Dressings, Ready to Eat Soups Gluten Free, Kosher, Organic, NonGMO, 
At the Fresh Factory, we've built a platform to accelerate the growth of clean-label and plant-based food and beverage brands. We are vertically integrated from the farm to the shelf and offer services above and beyond traditional manufacturing, becoming a trusted growth partner for leading brands. In short, we seek to be a partner,​not a vendor.

Fresh Pro, West Caldwell, NJ, 973-575-9526, www.rlbfood.com
Fresh Organic Produce

Frozen Specialties, Holland, OH, 419-867-2005, www.frozenspecialties.com
Pizza, Appetizers, Snacks, No Gmo's, Organic

Giovanni Foods, Syracuse, NY, 315-457-2373, www.giovannifoods.com
Pasta Sauces, Pizza Sauces, Salsas, Organic, BBQ Sauces, Mexican Sauces, Chili Sauce, Juices, Vinegar, Gluten Free, Organic, Non-GMO, Kosher, Marinades

Great River Organic Milling, Fountain City, WI, 608-687-9580, www.greatrivermilling.com
Whole Grains, Flour Blends, Hot Cereals, Pancake Mixes, Organic

Greyston Bakery, Yonkers, NY, 800-289-2253, www.greystonbakery.com
Brownies, Gifts, Organic

Hearthside Food Solutions, Downers Grove, IL, 630-967-3600, www.hearthsidefoods.com
Bars, Cookies, Brownies, Cereal, Coffee, Granola, Muesli, Organic, Popcorn, Rice, Pasta, Pretzels, Pet Food, Snacks, Sweeteners, Seasonings, Spices; Packaging formats include: including: Bag-in-Box, Single-Serve Cups, Rigid Canisters, Side-Seal Pouches, Single-Serve Packets, Stand-Up Pouches, Stick Packs, and more…

Hodgson Mill, Effingham, IL, 800-525-0177, www.hodgsonmill.com
Flours, Gluten Free. Quinoa, Pasta, Couscous, Bread Mixes, Cereals, Pancake Mixes, Non-GMO, Organic, Kosher

Honey Tree, Onsted, MI, 800-968-1889, www.honeytreehoney.com
Honey, Agave, Molasses, Organic

Jacqueline's Gourmet Cookies, Salem, MA, 978-744-8600, www.jacquelinesbakery.com
Cookie Dough, Cookies, Scones, Organic

Kariba Farms, Denville, NJ, 800-442-1969, www.karibafarms.com
Dried Fruit, Nuts, Blends, Preserves, Grains, Gifts, Organic

Karlsburger Foods, Monticello, MN, 800-383-6549, www.karlsburger.com
Seasonings, Soups, Sauces, Organic​

Karma Candy, Hamilton Ontario, ca, 905-527-6222, www.karma candy.ca
Seasonal, Hard Candy, Molded Chocolate, Bars, Enrobed Chocolates, Organic, Nut Free

Kent Quality Foods, Grand Rapids MI, 800-748-0141, www.kqf.com
Sausages, Franks

Kamuk, Cartago, Costa Rica, 506-2574-6203, www.kamukcr.com
Hot Sauce, Ketchup, Steak Sauce, BBQ Sauce, Mustard, Dressing, Kosher, Organic
Our Development & Research Department can duplicate almost any sauce on the market and develop new ones in record time.

Lasonde, Pappas & Co., Carney's Point, NJ, 800-257-7019, www.clementpappas.com
Fruit & Vegetable Juice Blends, Enhanced Waters, 100% Juices, Organics, Teas, Kosher

Leroux Creek Foods, Hotchkiss, CO, 877-970-5760, www.lerouxcreek.com
Apple Sauces, Organic Purees, Cherries

Li Destri Foods Inc., Fairport, NY, 201-944-1233, www.lidestrifoods.com
Sauces, Dips, Oils, Vinegars, Spirits, Meat, Beverages, Organic

Little Big Farm Foods, Portsmouth, NH, 603-433-9300, www.littlebigfarmfoods.com
Seeds & Nuts, Fruits & Vegetables, Biscuits, Popovers, Spices
Organic, Gluten Free, Specialty Baking, Spice Mixes, Dry Drink Mixes, Cocoa

Mad Foods, New York, NY, 212-804-7074, www.madfoods.biz
Butter Buttons, Truffle Butter, Organic Butter, Herb Butter, Garlic Butter, Cultured Butter, Kosher

Mahani Enterprises LLC, Wharton, NJ, 973-607-1730, www.mahani.us
Mahani Enterprises is a leader in New Jersey in the co-packing industry. With over 40 years of experience in the market, Mahani Enterprises is a top choice for consumers who need a competitively priced, on-time packaging solution. We service the food and industrial sectors and specialize in candy, gummies, snacks and different types of granular products. We offer displays, primary & secondary packaging, kitting and repacking of products for your convenience. Some of the styles of packing Mahani Enterprises offers is pillow-packaging and vertical stand-up pouches. 

Max Voets Coffee Roasting LTD, Vernon, BC, 250-540-2711, www.voetscoffee.com
Coffee, Tea, Smoothies, Frappes, Espresso, Organic

McLure's Honey & Maple Products, Littleton, NH, 800-846-2753,www.dutchgoldhoney.com
Honey, Organic, Maple Syrup, Gift Sets

Mel-O-Honey, Cannon Falls, MN, 507-263-8599, www.sweetharvestfoods.com
Honey, Maple Syrup, Organic, Peanut Butter

Monterey Bay Spice Co., Watsonville, CA, 800-500-6148, www.herbco.com
Tea, Spice Blends, Organic

Motovotano, Anacortes, WA, 206-363-0338, www.motovotano.com
Organic, Tea 

Mushroom Company, Cambridge, MD, 410-221-8971, www.themushroomcompany.com
Frozen, Canned, Refrigerated Mushrooms, Sauces, Organic, Kosher

Naturally Nutty, Williamsburg, MI, 888-224-9988, www.naturallynutty.com
Nut Butters

New Hope Mills, Auburn, NY, 315-252-2676, www.newhopemills.com
Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Dry Mixes, Organic, Gluten Free, Syrup, Jams, Jellies, Dips, Dressings, Flour, Grains,
 Gifts, BBQ Sauces, Crackers

Noble Foods, Point-Claire, Quebec, 514-426-0680, www.noblefoods.com
Organic, Granola Bars, Protein Bars

Olivamed, Franklin, OH, 937-401-0821, www.olivamed.net
Organic, Kosher, Oils, Balsamic Vinegars

Oregon Ice Cream Co., Camas, WA, 360-713-6800, www.oregonicecream.com
Ice Cream, Bars, Sandwich, Gluten Free, Organic

Organic Milling, San Dimas, CA, 800-638-8686, www.organicmilling.com
Cold Cereal, Hot Cereal, Granola, Organic

Organic Spices Inc., Fremont, CA, 510-440-1044, www.organicspices.com
Organic Spices, Extracts

Organic YouBar by YouBar, Los Angeles, CA, 323-513-7527, www.youbars.com
SQF Certified Contract Manufacturing, Food Manufacturing, FDA Compliance and Label Creation, Wholesale Natural Snacks, Protein Powders, Functional Coffees, Nut Butters, Baking/Pancake Mixes, Mug Muffins, Bites, Balls, Nut Butter Filled Balls/Bars, Protein Bars, Private Label, Keto, Paleo, Low Net Carbs, Gluten Free, Organic, Kosher, Non GMO Project Verification, Vegan/Plant-Based, Low FODMAP
YouBar specializes in developing and manufacturing innovative snack foods so that their clients can bring their ideas to market fast. YouBar has extensive experience selling bars at every major retail store in the United States, including Whole Foods, Costco, GNC and Target. The YouBar's Full Service bar manufacturing operation offers everything (start to finish) that brands need from their bar manufacturing partner. This includes R&D, new product development, commercialization advice, production, packaging, FDA compliance, regulatory testing, and shipping. YouBar also has expertise in developing to meet all the hottest nutritional trends, including Keto, Paleo, All Natural, Organic, Whole Foods, Kosher, Non GMO Project Verification, Low Net Carbs, Low Sugar, High Protein and Gluten Free.

Pacific Beach Nut Butters, San Diego, CA, 858-522-9297, www.pbpeanutbutter.com
Nut Butters, Spreads, Organic, Nuts, Gifts
 We manufacture organic and flavored peanut butters. We make co-packing nut butters and nut based items for our customers affordable for small businesses or new product launches. Our low MOQ is only 2500 units.

Pacific Choice, Fresno, CA, 559-237-5583, www.pacificchoice.com
Salsa, Sauces, Vegetables, Greek Salsa, Organic, Kosher

Pine Creek Pack, Omak, WA, 509-286-8003, www.pinecreekpack.com
Dried Fruit, Organic, Kosher

Plainview Milk Products, Plainview, MN, 800-356-5606, www.plainviewmilk.com
Milk Products, Organic, Kosher Milk and Other Fluid Dairy Products
Plainview Milk Products Cooperative has a fine tradition supplying it's customers with fresh, wholesome, top quality Grade A raw whole milk, condensed skim milk, cream, and other fluid products. Click on "Milk and Other Fluid Dairy Products" above for more information. Powder Products We offer a complete line of dairy powders, spray dried products, foam dried dairy products, and specialty dairy powders in addition to versatile, innovative custom drying. Click on "Powder Products" above for our complete product line and specifications.

Pulp Kitchen Juice, Northfield, VThttps://pkjuice.com
Beverages, Coffees, Energy Drinks, Juices, Mixers, Condiments, Teas, Jams, Jellies & Preserves, Frozen Entrees, Organic., Sugar Free, Vegan/Plant-Based, RTE Meals, Honey & Syrups, BBQ Sauces, Cocktail Sauces, Hot Sauces, Marinades, Oriental, Pasta sauces, Pesto Sauces, Salad Dressings, Soups, Bisques, Chili, Chowder, Ready to Eat, Soup Mixes, Stews.
Pulp Kitchen Juice is a cold-pressed juice Company In addition to private label we can develop product formulas to your specifications We are able to assist in co-packing products as well, Private label beverages available range from: cold pressed juice, orange and apple juice blends, protein smoothies, plant-based proteins, plant based milks including Oat, almond milk, cashew milk, soy milk, cold brew coffees, lemonades, iced teas, and vegetable dips and dressings We can handle HPP processed, hot fill or flash pasteurized. We are located in New England, and also have contract co-packer arrangements to produce closer New York City metro area and Connecticut to help cut cost for our own juice as well as co-packing clients. We have manufacturing partners located in the Northeast, West coast and the Midwest. Further services can provide:Food and beverage product development, for beverages including, cold pressed juices, plant based milks, Coffee, lemonade, Small batch co-packer / sampling; creation of General Manufacturing Procedures; Food Safety Counseling; USDA Organic Compliance Counseling; Distributor Support; Packing Design (Organic and Non-organic); Recipe Development and Cost Consulting; SQF-3 (level 3) certified specific clients. Contact Information: Patrick Simone -Patrick@pkjuice.com​​​

Severance Foods, Hartford, CT, 7063, www.severancefoods.com
Tortillas, Organic, Kosher

Shamrock Farms, Phoenix, AZ, 800-388-3247, www.shamrockfarms.net
Milk Products, Sour Cream, Cottage Cheese, Creams, Organic

Smith Foods Inc., Orrville, OH, 800-776-7076, www.smithfoods.com
Milk, Soy Milk, Coconut Milk, Dairy Alternatives, Non Dairy Beverages, Organic, Kosher

St. Cousair, Newberg, OR, 503-538-2929, www.stcousair-oregon.com 
St. Cousair is capable of packing in glass jars and plastic containers. Our people and facility have the experience, expertise and equipment to manufacture a diverse line of products:fruit preserves and jams,low sugar fruit preserves, fruit butters, fruit syrup, and, toppings, yogurt fruit base,smoothie fruit base fruit juices, carbonated soft drinks salad dressings, mustards
BBQ sauces, canned fruit salsa, coffee syrups

Rocky Mountain Spice Co., Denver, CO, 888-568-4430, www.rockymountainspice.com
Custom Blends, Spices, Gluten Free, Organic, Kosher

Santini Foods Inc., San Lorenzo, CA, 510-317-8888, www.santinifoods.com
Frozen Entrees, Condensed Milk, Syrups, Pepper Spreads, Organic

Siena Development Group Inc.,​ New York, NY, 347-828-2324, www.sienadev.com 
​Beverages, including loose teas and specialty processes. Hot fill, cold fill, UHT, and modified aseptic. Organic, Gluten Free, Kosher; We assist with development/stabilization of all of those products. For co-packing itself, we only do beverages. 

​SoPakCo, Mullins, SC, 843-464-7851, www.sopakco.com
Meal Kits, Shelf Stable Meals, Organic, Kosher

Southeast Bottling & Beverage, Dade City, FL, 352-567-2200, www.southeast-bottling.com
Waters, Juices, Teas, Energy Drinks, Kosher, Organic

Stremick's Heritage Foods, Santa Ana, CA, 714-775-5000, www.heritage-foods.com
Dairy Products, Milk, Organic

Sugar Creek Packing Co., Washington Courthouse, OH, 800-848-8205, www.sugarcreek.com
Bacon, Sandwiches, Organic

Sweet Creek Foods, Elmira, OR, 541-935-1615, www.sweetcreekfoods.com
Organic, Pickled Vegetables, Pickles, Fruit Spreads, Salsa, Tuna

Sweet Harvest Foods, Rosemount, MN, 507-263-8599, www.sweetharvestfoods.com
Maple Syrup, Maple Products

​Taza Chocolate, Somerville, MA, Somerville, MA, www.tazachocolate.com
Chocolate bulk, Chocolate Bars, Chocolate Bark
Chocolate Covered Nuts and Fruits, Chocolate in Pouches, Specialize in Organic, Alternative sweeteners, DAIRY-FREE, Vegan, Non-Gmo, Gluten Free, Soy Free
Nimble and flexible manufacturer of chocolate products from the cocoa bean. Capable of producing custom formulas of base chocolates and custom flavor chocolate products. SQF ready food safety program, USDA certified organic. Experienced working with Whole Foods Markets, Costco, Trader Joe's, and many other major retailers. Expertise in Paleo, vegan, and soy-free chocolate production.

(The) Big Beverage Company, Huntersville, NC, 855-800-9013, www.bigbeverages.com
Water, Juices, Organic, Tea, Soda, Wine Beer

The Mushroom Co., Cambridge, MD, 410-221-8971, www.themushroomcompany.com
Mushrooms: Canned, Refrigerated, Frozen, Organic, Kosher, Seasoned

Total Food Package, Spring Lake, MI, 616-847-1868, www.totalfoodpackage.com
Dry food Co-Packing, Allergen Free, Kosher, Organic
We are a family owned dry food Co-Packer in Spring Lake, MI. Our facility is free of the top 9 allergens. We can blend and package into any retail container you may need. We can accommodate large and small production runs and we love helping customers find the best packaging solutions for their products. We have several different packaging options in stock as well as established relationships with suppliers throughout the country. We offer our customers a unique blend of services including Organic Certification, a gluten free facility, allergen free facility, FSCPA trained and qualified individuals, and small and large batch size and production runs.​​

Tree Top, Selah, WA, 509-697-7251, www.foodingredients.treetop.com
Fruit Purees, Fruit Concentrates, Dried Fruit, Pies, Salads, Sauces, Snack Bars, Snacks, Soups, Gluten Free, Biscuits, Scones, Breads, Cakes, Cookies, Entrees, Assorted Drinks, Hard Cider, Pet Food, Frozen Fruit, Organic, Kosher

United States Bakery, Seattle, WA, 206-726-7518, www.franzbakery.com
Multiple bakeries in different states to serve the country.
Bread, Buns, Rolls, Donuts, Danish, Bagels, English Muffins, Cookies, Sourdough, French Breads and Rolls, Cakes, Brownies, Cupcakes, Pretzel Products – many in ‘Natural’ , Organic and Gluten Free

U.S. Waffle Company, Liberty, SC, 864-546-3470, www.uswaffle.com
Waffles, Pancakes, Gluten Free, Organic

Utica Specialty Foods, Kenilworth, NJ, 908-274-3990, www.uticafoods.com
Snacks, (Bars, Bites, Extrusions) Healthy Living, Chocolate
 Nut Butters, Seed Butters, Dry Mixes, Dry Filling
OUR CAPABILITIES: Protein & Energy bar Manufacturing (Raw Extrusion Process) Flow Wrapping Nuts & Seed Butter Manufacturing Jars Filling Single Serve Squeeze Packs Chocolate Enrobing Chocolate Molding
 (Cups, Bars, Cluster etc.) Standup Pouch Filling and Sealing. 
Small Business, Kosher, SQF Certified, 3rd Party audited, small minimum, warehousing, turnkey solution.


Venus Wafers, Hingham, MA, 781-740-0791, www.venuswafers.com
Organic Flatbread Crackers

​​Vivio's Artisan Gluten -Free, Ferndale, MI, 586-604-9948, www.viviosartisangf.com
Bakery, Candy, Chocolate, Dairy Products, Desserts, Gifts,Grains, Healthy Living, Seasonings, Snacks, Kosher, Organic
We are a Kosher certified, Organic certified, and dedicated gluten-free co-packing/co-manufacturing facility. We excel at the manufacturing and/or packaging of: granola, cookies, spices, cereal and protein bars, GF bakery mixes, GF flour blends, dairy powders, candy, coffee, and more. Highlights of our equipment include: 425 QT mixer, 2-Vemag HP10C, Linear scale with VFFS, horizontal flow wrapper, multi head weigher with VFFS, metal detector, band sealer, and fully automated pouch filling machine.

Waymouth Farms, New Hope, MN, 763-533-5300, www.goodsensesnacks.com
Organic, Dried Fruit, Nuts

Wayne County Foods, Irvington, NJ, 973-399-0101, www.waynecountyfoods.com
Organic, Vinegar, Kosher, Cider

Whole Alternatives, Louisville, KY, 877-972-1221, www.wholealternatives.com
Dried Fruit, Nuts, Pasta, Popcorn, Organic, Rice

​Wisoman Foods Inc., Hayward, CA, 510-675-9210, www.wisoman.com
Flour Tortillas, Corn Tortillas, Organic, No GMO's